But at some point of life or the other every woman has been subject to some form of harassment be it molestation or eve teasing which is rampant in India-we have been taught that its best to ignore such men and move on-there is no need to create a scene.No need??Some horrid male chauvinist pig catcalls you, makes lewd gestures at you and there is no need to react??I ask you then what is the need for respect at all when one shouldn't bother fighting against it?More often than not, women are not strong or confident enough.Its time ladies to learn some self defense-kickboxing,karate,whatever.Its time we hold our heads up high and fight for our respect.Wear what we want to, wherever.Its not easy and I too am not very brave but after reading an article in a magazine encouraging women to be strong and fight back I felt the need to be strong as well. We HAVE to support each other. If anyone is being wronged and you are aware,please please do try and raise a voice.Remember if there are bad people out there there are some truly wonderful people out there too.Be strong.Be safe.Don't hesitate to fight back.
QOTB-Do you have emergency numbers like the local police station or hospital on your speed dial?
Last week's answer-The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.
Not on speed dial - but then again, the emergency number here is 911, so I'm okay. Make sure you also save "ICE" (in case of emergency) numbers, such as parents and close family friends on your mobile, in case you're unable to answer a police or medical care person. This way, someone close to you with information about your medical history will be contacted right away.
This topic is very close to my heart. I agree, all girls should be taught that it is not okay for them to be sexually harassed, be it a stranger or a family member. All girls should also learn the basics of self-defence. If nothing else, all girls should know the four main target areas when fighting back (solar plexus, instep, nose, groin). And provided there's no gun or knife involved, if you can scream, go for it... the more attention you attract - the more uncomfortable the attacker will be.
Keep in mind that while girls are the typical targets and we read the most about them, boys too are subjected to sexual harrassment. To be safe, everyone should always go in groups of 2 or more, carry a cell phone and avoid known shady places, especially at night.
I hope someday I can open up clinics in India for people who have been sexually harassed - one of the worst parts of sexual harassment is the social negligence or rejection people face (which is why many women/men don't step up and speak out in the first place).
As usual, thanks for the thoughtful post Aditi.
Even I often feel the need to go and help out in some NGO's but our fast paced lives just don't give us that time...someday I will definitely...
Be safe girls and boys as Simi very rightly points out!
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