Saturday, May 1, 2010

Experiencing Life As It Is

Folklore in the form of stories, poems and songs have come down to us through words that are spoken and heard and because of that a lot of things in stories, myths, tales are altered to suit the changing times as per people’s sensibilities in that generation or to make it more acceptable to society or to make it suitable for children like done in Tales of Beedle the Bard in the Harry Potter series, not realizing that children are the ones who should be told the truth as they are the future and also because at first we hide the truth about life’s realities and hardships but when they grow up we expect them to understand all these truths and be mature when at first we were the ones hiding it from them, trying to protect them when ultimately they have to face them anyway.

Though today’s generation might learn things the hard way we too have a right to experience every single thing life has to offer and learn-through good or bad lessons. Elders try to protect us from all this saying they don’t want us to make the same mistakes they made but who really learns that way?! Who wants to learn that way?!(Though I agree sometimes we ought to!)

Whatever the way may be- we learn from others or our own mistakes-the point is to get up even if we fail by putting in use our own opinions, by taking our own decisions. Just as US President Mr. Barack Obama said in his Inaugural Address Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again…”


Vishesh said...

experience outlives innocence?

Anonymous said...

How long can we hide things from kids under the veil of protecting their innocence and childhood?The time is passe when shy and demure kids are left on their own.Everyone has to get out of their shell into the world where experience is necessary as is tact and wit-be it from other's experiences or our own.

Aditya Nandode said...

Hiding from children! You would be surprised how much is still hidden from an adult, the folk lore, legends, religious teachings and all other things that have come down over generations are all teachings of our forefathers, some things even scientific, have been explained, unfortunately are all in riddle form that we just neglect, or take it literally and not laterally!

Naimesh said...

very well said...just remembered this story ( - if you try to help a caterpillar to come out of its cocoon, instead of turning into a butterfly, it will die!!!! Struggle of coming out of cocoon is the reason for the growth of wings...

Anonymous said...

@Naimesh Yes, this is what I was trying to express. The butterfly had to struggle and the mother told him so but he still tried to help the butterfly.He would never forget this experience now...

Anonymous said...

i like your blog! =) PLEASE visit mine and follow if you wish as I am following you =)

Unknown said...

"At dinner last night,a 3 yr old girl came to our table & asked my 4 yr old nephew his name.He got all shy & couldn't answer so she asked me!"

This one was super funny Aditi.. :D
I love kids.. and I have a nephew as well.. :)

I just came across your tweets when I was stumbling around..