Sunday, November 22, 2009

It’s time to Go Green 2

In Our Home-Let us Reduce Toxicity

  • Let’s eliminate mercury from our home by purchasing items without mercury, and dispose of items containing mercury at an appropriate drop-off facility when necessary(e.g. old thermometers)

  • Let’s learn about alternatives to household cleaning items that do not use hazardous chemicals.

  • Let’s buy optimum amount of paint for a painting job in home/office.

  • When no good alternatives exist to a toxic item, let’s find the least amount required for an effective, sanitary result.

  • If we live in an old building, let’s have the paint in our home tested for lead. If we have lead-based paint, let’s cover it with wallpaper or other material instead of sand papering it or burning it off.

  • Let’s use traps instead of rat and mouse poisons and insect killers.

  • Let’s use cedar chips or aromatic herbs instead of mothballs.

  • Let’s use ceramic coffee mug instead of a disposable cup.

In Our Garden

  • Let’s leave grass clippings on the yard-they decompose and return nutrients to the soil.

  • Let’s minimize pesticide use.

  • Let’s create a wildlife habitat in your yard.

  • Let’s water grass early in the morning.

  • Let’s rent or borrow items like ladders, chain saws, party decorations and others that are seldom used.

  • Let’s take actions that use non hazardous components(e.g. to ward off pests, plant marigolds in a garden instead of using pesticide).

  • Let’s put leaves in a compost heap instead of burning them or throwing them away.

Courtesy: P.S. Group

Answer to the last QOTB: The UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, December 7th to 18th.

QOTB: Do you know what is Global Warming?

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's time to Go Green

With the recent uncharacteristic rain in November, the Phyan scare or the 2012 prediction, everyone is talking about climate change. I too personally feel that each of us can make a difference if we try. For the next couple of blogs, I'll be putting up ways on how You can save the Environment in various ways. All of us are aware of these things but everyone needs a reminder once in a while...

In Our Home-Let us Conserve Energy

  • Let's clean or replace air filters of our air comditioning unit atleast once a month.
  • Let's lower the thermostat of our water heater to 120 degree celsius.Let's set our refrigerator temperature at 36 degree-38 degree and our freezer from 0 degree-5 degree.
  • When using an oven, let's minimise door opening; it reduces oven temperature by 25 to 30 degrees every time we open the door.
  • Let's use a microwave whenever we can instead of a conventional oven or stove.
  • Let's unplug seldom used appliances.
  • Let's wash clothes with warm or cold instead of hot water.
  • Let's turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use.
  • Let's purchase appliances and office equipments with the Energy Star Label; old refrigerators, for example, use upto 50% more electricity than newer models.
  • Let’s use appliances only when we need them.
  • Let’s use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy.
  • Let’s insulate our home as best as we can.
  • Let’s plant trees to shade our home.
  • Let’s shade outside air conditioning units by trees or by other means.
  • Let’s replace old windows with energy efficient ones.
  • Let’s connect our outdoor lights to a timer.
Let us pledge today to do our best to save the Environment.Sign the following petitions to show your support-

QOTB-Which major Climate Change conference is going to be held in December?

    Thursday, October 15, 2009

    (Not a) Stranger

    Have you ever had a feeling where you're say, for example walking on the street or sitting in a coffee shop, are perfectly at ease and whoosh! suddenly someone crosses you and you feel inclined to look back and see who it was??
    You might not have ever seen the person but a strange feeling inside you makes you take a second look to make sure its not someone you know! I think its something like The World Universality game and all of us are truly connected some way or the other?!
    Like last QOTB according to me we have to come to terms with the fact that experiencing life in its true sense is accepting it with all its ups and downs, I also think that everyone is totally connected?!

    P.S. Well, from this time onwards, QOTB aint gonna come every blog but whenever I feel like it, Laugh Out Loud!

    Wednesday, October 7, 2009

    A Box of Crayons

    The above image is of a crayon box. The bright colours and the messy yet fun look caught my eye so and made me wonder-isn't our life also just like a box of crayons filled with a mixture of varied colours,some dark and some bright? We all have heard at some point of time of the necessity of all sorts of experiences in our life-good as well as bad and a box of crayons reminded me just that. To complete life's picture we do need the yellows and pinks but at the same time don't we also need the blacks and the greys?? We sure as well do and we have to come to terms with that. QOTB-Don't you think life would seem easier that way?

    P.S.The answer to last week's QOTB is different for everyone but mostly it would be No as people prefer saving their family's and friends' numbers for their speed dials but people do keep emergency numbers at hand too. Adios with this thought!

    Thursday, September 10, 2009

    Fighting Back

    So often we read reports on sexual violence against women:incest,rape,trafficking,harassment and the list sadly goes on.But then what do we do?Feel bad for a while and then move on with our life-who has the time to think about other people's lives when so much is going on in ours??
    But at some point of life or the other every woman has been subject to some form of harassment be it molestation or eve teasing which is rampant in India-we have been taught that its best to ignore such men and move on-there is no need to create a scene.No need??Some horrid male chauvinist pig catcalls you, makes lewd gestures at you and there is no need to react??I ask you then what is the need for respect at all when one shouldn't bother fighting against it?More often than not, women are not strong or confident enough.Its time ladies to learn some self defense-kickboxing,karate,whatever.Its time we hold our heads up high and fight for our respect.Wear what we want to, wherever.Its not easy and I too am not very brave but after reading an article in a magazine encouraging women to be strong and fight back I felt the need to be strong as well. We HAVE to support each other. If anyone is being wronged and you are aware,please please do try and raise a voice.Remember if there are bad people out there there are some truly wonderful people out there too.Be strong.Be safe.Don't hesitate to fight back.

    QOTB-Do you have emergency numbers like the local police station or hospital on your speed dial?

    Last week's answer-The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

    Tuesday, July 28, 2009


    Intertwined.Yes, that's what I feel pretty often, life is intertwined. With people, things, anything and everything, actually the whole Universe.Its connected. Even if you believe it or not,its connected. There's a simple game to prove this theory-start with a word, any word, say toothpaste, now say the word which first comes to your mind-say, mint, then chewing gum, mixed fruit, juice, coke, Aamir khan, Ghajini, Imran Khan, luck ,destiny, fate, tarot cards, reader, books, and one can go on and on. To each person each things relates to, differently but yes, each thing does mean something to every single person on this Earth and beyond. You can't deny it. Who would have thought toothpaste could be connected to books, but you see, it is,no matter how long the chain. I call it the "World Universality Game".Play it, its tons of fun, you'll see what, what you are connected to! So you see, everything and everyone is CONNECTED! Why do we cry when the main protagonist of our favourite television serial cries? Why is it that as the bride leaves her parents home after her wedding, all of us cry remembering our own weddings or those of our loved ones? Well, because we are connected! Every person's and every things lives are intertwined. Answer to last week's QOTB is Twilight. Yes, you and me are connected to the series as well. And you to me, and me to you. QOTB-Name the book which regards the Universe as our very own catalogue? Believe me, the answer to that is also connected to you and intertwined with your life. Cheers to that!

    Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    Well, Well, Well

    Well, not the Wishing Well or the 'Get Well Soon' Well, just simply WELL! Well, I haven't blogged for quite some time now-the wedding, exams and now college applications-well its crazy but as it is said-when the going gets tough, the tough gets going, and boy, am I tough! I mean, look at me-my QOTB(No, I'm not quitting that, don't even think about it!). Last blog's answer is Jeeves by P.G.Wodehouse. By The Way, I love reading. Be it comics or newspapers or books-I prefer fiction though-the fantasy and the "girly" ones. One should definitely read The Zoya Factor, its got the right mix of both! Just joined Twitter, well everyone's joining it so why stay behind!?Saw Ice Princess, its really nice. I should be more regular if only for my one sole follower! I think I've forgotten how to blog after so many months because this blog is really random. I'm sure I can be better in not only this but in a whole lot of other things. Just got working Granny's old gramophone, its so much fun and runs without electricity and the sound is amazing too! Well, QOTB-Which movie won the Best Picture Awards at the MTV Movie Awards? Well, I told you its a random blog so I can as anything!Bye!