Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Anything and Everything

Hi, I'm Aditi; I'm seventeen and in class twelve. As the blog name suggests, this blog will be about anything and everything I think and want to talk about. It rose from writing in a journal to wanting people to know about what I write and hiding it at the same time. I'm going to blog but don't know whether anyone will read it or not so my criteria of wanting to share my feelings and hiding it at the same time are fulfilled. I will try and refrain from using short forms and dozens of"......." and every time I make a new entry, in the course of the blog I wil ask a question related to my past, current or future blogs and if people read my blog, like it, can answer them in the comments place-I just want to feel all good and important about people actually reading my blog and answering my questions! :p....lol...oops. Laugh Out Loud.!
I am going to write whatever I feel like-it might seem extremely stupid or silly considering the excellent blogs around but it doesn't make a difference to me.
Today I'm going for a movie, it being Ashtami though I'm not Bengali but living in Bengal forces one to celebrate and declare it a holiday and anyways we people in Bengal love “free holidays” as I call it, all because of Mamata Banerjee and anyways now a lot of farmers are going to be on a permanent holiday as Tata’s have left Singur and so will be the youth who were looking forward to working in developing Bengal. I sometimes feel that its actually Ms.Banerjee who not being on the Government rules Bengal unlike someone (read: Buddhadeb Bhattacharya) who wants to as always, Mamata does something or the other so her ruling rules. Anyways I’m in the holiday mood and going for a movie. Heard the two major releases of the Pujas are not as good as expected. Saw one already-the lesser better one. Going for the slightly more watchable one today, though I liked the first one as well considering I’m a crazy Harry Potter fan. Alright now I have to get ready for the movie! Today’s question-Which movie am I going for?? Hoping someone will answer in the comments I sign off for today. Bye.
P.S. If no one bothers to answer, I will, in my next blog!.:p.

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